SunCoast Pathology Associates, Inc

How to Use SchuyNet

SchuyNet was designed to be as user friendly as possible, so with our guide below you should be up and running as quickly as possible. You will learn how to use SchuyNet to enter in new patients, change patient demographics, order tests on patients, and review laboratory results. Use the menu below to jump to specific sections.

To start with, you’ll need to log on to SchuyNet at the Web address specified by your lab, using a SchuyNet-capable computer. To ensure that your computer is SchuyNet-capable, please refer to the link SchuyNet System Requirements.

Below are the specific individual screens that appear in SchuyNet.

Login Adding A New Patient
Changing Patient Demographics
Entering Insurance Information
Ordering Tests
Manifest Review
Prior Graph

If you experience problems or issues, please review the two links below for solutions:

SchuyNet System Requirements

If neither link is helpful, or gives you information to solve your issues, please contact the lab.