SunCoast Pathology Associates, Inc


Sometimes you will want to print a patient report for your records. The interactive HTML results forms available through the patient info screen are good for reviewing results because they offer the ability to get prior results on the fly, but they do not constitute an official laboratory report. You can get official laboratory reports through SchuyNet, however! These reports are delivered to you in PDF format, suitable for print-out or electronic archives.

If you have arranged with your lab to have reports delivered via SchuyNet, a "Get Reports" button will appear on the main SchuyNet screen next to the "Get Manifest" button.

If you have reports waiting, the login message will inform you of this fact. Click the "Get Reports" button.

A list of available reports will appear. You can select reports by clicking on them (and deselect them by clicking on them again). Then click "OK" to generate a PDF of all selected reports. Alternately, you can get all the available reports at once (regardless of what is selected) by clicking "Get All PDF's."�

A PDF will display containing the reports you requested. Please save this PDF locally or print it out so you can refer to it later Once you have printed reports, the "reprint last" button will appear, allowing you to reprint the last set of reports you printed. If you have problems getting a set of reports and they are removed from your queue, you can reprint them in this manner.